40+ fire stations re-branded in 8 weeks.

Winter of 2021 we were contracted to do a 32 Fire station roll-out of the new Fire & Rescue branding. Updating lightboxes, Building signs, and more across the outback of the state.
Covering the area from Mudgee, The Ridge, Condo to Mildura.

This contract once approved was smashed out in 6 weeks. Installing over 100+ lightbox panels and 250+ other building signage. Over a huge distance in the sun, rain, frost and darkness.
This deadline being smashed led to another 10 sites coming on board then completed in the following 2 weeks. That’s Cookin’ Frankie.

If you are in need of a large rollout of signage.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for a quote and a smashed deadline.